Imperium Podcast w/ Charlie Morgan
Welcome to the Imperium Podcast!
The majority of you who have stumbled across this podcast probably view client acquisition as a major bottleneck.
It's safe to say that after scaling 2 businesses to multiple 7 & 8 figures, client acquisition, business, mindset, client delivery, etc is something that hasn't been a problem for me for a very long time.
This podcast is all about how to eliminate client acquisition as a bottleneck, sign more clients, make more money & have a ton of fun doing so.
In the past 7 years, I've signed well over 3000+ B2B clients across my marketing & consulting agency & in this podcast, I am going to teach you how I did it & how you can do the exact same.
To Your Success,
Charlie Morgan
P.S. Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube Channel -
Imperium Podcast w/ Charlie Morgan
306. I'm a millionaire and still insecure, rip
I’m a millionaire & I’m still insecure.
Yes, you read that right.
If you are someone who thinks money and influence will fix all of your insecurities, then you are wrong.
If anything, it amplifies those insecurities you have even further.
You end up putting a false image of yourself.
The truth of the matter is that I've been hiding behind a mask of insecurity recently, it’s been evident in my recent YouTube videos.
It felt great for a short amount of time, however it was a temporary band aid instead of a permanent solution, and i’ve only just truly processed it.
All this time, I still had my deep rooted insecurities buried within me & the more I tried to hide those insecurities, the bigger they became.
It can be easy for you to look at others online & assume that they are this incredible superhuman because of all of the success that is shown nowadays on social media, YouTube, etc.
The truth of the matter is that the majority of these individuals are chained to insecurities that you can’t even see.
It’s time to address the issue.
In this podcast, I am going to share my personal perspective, because believe me, you'll run into the same issue sooner than later.
I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)