Imperium Podcast w/ Charlie Morgan
Welcome to the Imperium Podcast!
The majority of you who have stumbled across this podcast probably view client acquisition as a major bottleneck.
It's safe to say that after scaling 2 businesses to multiple 7 & 8 figures, client acquisition, business, mindset, client delivery, etc is something that hasn't been a problem for me for a very long time.
This podcast is all about how to eliminate client acquisition as a bottleneck, sign more clients, make more money & have a ton of fun doing so.
In the past 7 years, I've signed well over 3000+ B2B clients across my marketing & consulting agency & in this podcast, I am going to teach you how I did it & how you can do the exact same.
To Your Success,
Charlie Morgan
P.S. Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube Channel -
Imperium Podcast w/ Charlie Morgan
308. How to stay broke in 2025
Some of you watching this video right now are probably broke.
& whilst it isn’t an ideal situation, it certainly isn’t the end of the world.
Even I was broke at one point.
Don’t let social media or YouTube fool you with the success you are used to seeing, be it from me or anyone else.
What you don’t see & probably will never see is the dark times prior to the success.
A common time that many people go through (myself included), is of course the period of being broke & feeling as though you have no direction with your life.
In this podcast, I’m going to share why you are probably broke & more importantly, what you should do about it in order to achieve the life of your dreams.
I hope you find it helpful. If you do, consider subscribing :)